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Heart of Central America

Im Überblick:

Take a wild ride through the heart of Central America – a place of diverse culture, bustling streets laden with delicious food and friendly locals, and a deep history of Maya civilisation and modern religion. Take a 15-day trip starting on Lake Nicaragua,...

15 Tage
Nächste Abfahrt
Preise ab
± EUR 2.583,00
Preis pro Tag
± EUR 172,00
Tour Type

  • Überblick
  • Daten und Details
  • Karte, Reiseziele
  • Intrepid
Intrepid Travel
Heart of Central America
Kleingruppentour mit mehr Flexibilität
1 - 16
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Im Überblick

Take a wild ride through the heart of Central America – a place of diverse culture, bustling streets laden with delicious food and friendly locals, and a deep history of Maya civilisation and modern religion. Take a 15-day trip starting on Lake Nicaragua, surrounded by active volcanoes. Visit the first and largest national park in the country at Masaya Volcano, and then explore the city of Leon at your own pace. Hit the black coastal sands of El Tunco in Honduras, then enjoy a spot of bird watching in El Salvador. Learn to make some local favourites in a cooking class and then explore the Copan ruins – an impressive UNESCO World Heritage site. Hit the colourful markets of the Guatemalan Highlands and ride on a traditional chicken bus – the source of pride for many locals in Quetzaltenango. Learn about the history and pull of the deity San Simon and find all the hidden gems in Antigua before enjoying a scenic boat ride on Lake Atitlan.

Map: Heart of Central America (Intrepid)

Tagesprogramm / Reiseroute

Tag 1
Tag 2
Tag 3
Tag 4
Pacific Coast, El Salvador
Tag 5
Tag 6
Tag 7
Tag 8
Tag 9
Tag 10
Tag 11
San Andres Itzapa / Quetzaltenango
Tag 12
Tag 13
Chichicastenango Market / Panajachel
Tag 14
Santiago Atitlan / Antigua
Tag 15

Reiseländer (3): Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua

Reiseziele (7): Antigua Guatemala, Chichicastenango, Copán, Granada, Guatemala City, Lake Atitlan, Leon


  • Take a guided tour of the Copan ruins and archaeological site – a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most important sites of the Mayan civilisation.  
  • Visit an Indigenous artists’ village in Nicaragua to meet with a local artist who makes traditional masks – an important part of the history of the country's revolution. 
  • See the lava flow and crater at Masaya Volcano National Park – the first and largest national park in Nicaragua and a fascinating place to explore. 
  • Visit Chichicastenango market – known as Chichi for short – and pick up your very own huipils (a traditional Mayan garment worn by women and girls) or some handmade jade jewellery. 
  • Take a scenic boat ride on Lake Atitlan to Santiago Atitlan, with 95% of the population of Mayan descent, and meet the shamanic keepers of Maximon and share a bottle of local spirits with them as they tell you stories of local life.



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Antigua Guatemala

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